Little Hampton s Landscaping

A picture of just a few (not all) of the volunteers who helped remodel the flowerbed. Thanks again to everyone who contributed!

Making Good
The services that I offer are listed below:
Landscape Consulting
*Please ask if you would like for us to provide mulch.
*Prices are negotiable
Completed Projects

Before and After
A Little Bit About Me

Hello! My name is Johnathan Hampton, sometimes referred to as "Little Hampton" because I'm the youngest of the three. My love of plants is rooted in my early childhood; I remember growing all types of things (at my parents' expense), including pumpkins, sunflowers, impatiens, morning glories, and more. Now, as a Sophomore at Auburn University, I aspire to become a Landscape Architect, and my main priority is to get as much hands-on experience in landscape-oriented activities as I can. If you need some help out in the garden, or if you just need some advice, I'm the person to come to!